nothing has everything.

Nothing Has Everything

Bhavin Jawade
2 min readOct 30, 2019

A mathematical viewpoint.

Think about 𝛑 (Pi)

Pi. — The Value of Pi.

3.141592653589793238462643….. and so on and on.

An Irrational Number.
A Never-Ending, Never Repeating Decimal.

A Never-Ending, Never Repeating Number.

A never-ending, never-repeating number must contain all the possible combinations of digits out there in this universe somewhere in itself. Your mobile number, your google pay password, any combination; any combination of digits must be present somewhere in this never-ending, never-repeating number. (really?)

Let's take this a step further.

Encode digits to characters. Use any encoding scheme you like. Encode Pi using this scheme. Now what you have is a string of characters. Never-ending, never repeating, a string of characters. So this string of characters must contain every possible string of characters in this universe. So it must contain your name, your father's name, your school name, the complete bible or Complete Bhagwat Geeta for that matter. Actually, it must contain every piece of information, every possible thought, idea, every question ever asked or will be asked somewhere in it. It must contain everything.

What is Pi — 𝛑?

A circle has a circumference of 2*pi*r or pi*d.

so pi is nothing but — C/2*r.

Now start reducing this value of r, the radius of the circle.
Make it small.
Very small.
Infinitesimal small.
make it so small that the circle for that radius becomes inexistent.
so small that the circle becomes nothing.

Yet for that circle, we will have pi = C / 2*r.

Even that infinitesimal small circle (the dot), that is nothing, contains information called Pi. Pi, our pi. Pi that has everything.

Nothing has everything.

Good Read:
The Library of Babel:
Normal Number:
Is Pi Normal:
Borel Sets:

